Last line of defense

The Phalanx® weapon system is a rapid-fire, computer-controlled, radar-guided gun that can defeat anti-ship missiles and other close-in threats on land and at sea.

Double duty

At sea, navies use the Phalanx weapon system to defeat anti-ship missiles and close-in threats that have pierced other lines of defense. On land, the U.S. Army uses it to detect and counter rocket, artillery and mortar systems.


The Phalanx weapon system carries out functions usually performed by multiple systems: search, detection, threat evaluation, tracking, engagement and kill assessment.

The Block 1B version adds control stations that allow operators to visually track and identify targets before engagement. With an added forward-looking infrared sensor, the 1B variant can be used at sea against helicopters and high-speed surface craft and on land to help identify and confirm incoming threats.

The Phalanx weapon system is installed on all U.S. Navy surface combatant ship classes and on those of 24 allied nations. The land-based version is forward deployed and has been used in combat.